Show Cases Carre floor5

V09 Home Computers

keyboards; monitors; hard disks; hard disk drives

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: CSV

V10 Radio Frequency and Radar

Various components for data communication and signal measurement, in the high frequency range.

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: CSV

V11 Signal visualisation

Various cathode ray tubes and plotters

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: Paul

V12 Interchangeable showcase

Temporarily: Several laptops

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: CSV

V15 Temporary for setup of computer networking

Locatie: Carre5

V17 Education

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: CSV

V18 Standards and Compensators

Locatie: CSV Carre5

V21 IC Design & Devices

Locatie: CSV Carre5
Beheerder: Henk de Vries & Ruud Heijstek

V35 Temporary for setup of computer networking

Locatie: Carre5