Vitrines Zilverling Trappenhuis Vloer4

V41 Computer Networking

This show case presents a historical view of typical communication equipment used in subsequent periods of the computer era: telecom based modem connections, multi-access segmented Ethernet cables (repeater/bridge-based), switched/routed TCP/IP (sub)nets and finally today"s world-wide LAN/WAN internet.

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs4
Beheerder: Tonnie Tibben & Jan Poessé

V42 Network Technology

This view case reflects technological developments of communication between computer systems and end-users. In particular it is related to the heritage of R&D at the THT/UT.

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs4
Beheerder: Tonnie Tibben & Jan Poessé