Show Cases Techno_hall

V36 ISFET Lab-on-a-chip

This showcase reflects the remarkable story of the ISFET sensor: its invention and the advanced applications resulting from it. Piet Bergveld, who studied at the TH Eindhoven and worked as graduation student at the Philips Laboratory, discovered the potential of a MOS-transistor to measure the ion flow in liquid substances. It enabled a broad scala of biomedical applications. Nowadays, integrated circuits with millions of ISFETs are embedded in medical instruments. They function as a kind of biochemical camera. Piet Bergveld - being retired after a career as professor at the UT - has composed this exposition in retrospect. The documents and links provide general information. Specific details are given along with the exposed items.

Locatie: Technohal_Auditorium
Beheerder: Piet Bergveld

pdf Van één ISFET op een chip naar meer dan een miljoen ISFETS op een chip
pdf From 1 ISFET per chip to more than a million per chip
pdf The ISFET invention by Dr. Piet Bergveld
http Piet Bergveld-40 years of ISFET technology

V38 Boulitte Electrocardiograph

The Boulitte Electrocardiograph is one of the first commercial, medical instruments to observe the electrical activity of the human heart. The cardiograph produces an ECG on film, an electrocardiogram, often simply called a heart film. The electrocardiograph as shown here, is the last version made by the French company Boulitte around the 30th of the previous century. The electrocardiograph is based on the invention of 1924 Nobel Prize winner prof. W. Einthoven. He constructed in his laboratory at the University of Leiden the first system to record an ECG.

Locatie: TechMed Technohal_Atrium
Beheerder: CSV

pdf IEEE symposium String Galvanometer LUMC