Show Cases CR_vloer3

V01 Current and voltage measurement

Various old current and volt meters; galvanometers; current clamps; shunt resistors.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L. Regtien

V02 Standards & Compensators

Before the advent of digital electronic voltmeters, accurate measurement of a voltage or impedance was achieved by applying the compensation method. The unknown quantity is compared with an adjustable known one of the same kind. The known quantity is changed until the difference is zero, which is detected by a sensitive null-indicator. In equilibrium, the unknown quantity is equal to the known one. In this way, voltages, currents and impedances can be accurately measured. Instruments for voltage and current are called compensators. They comprise an accurate voltage source (reference cell) and a resistance network with adjustable topology, providing a range of attenuation factors. The instrument for measuring a resistance (impedance) is called a bridge. It contains one or more reference resistors (impedances) and a stepwise adjustable resistance, called a resistance decade box. Examples of compensators, bridges, reference voltage sources, reference resistors and decade banks are all displayed in this cabinet. More types are stored in the depository of the Historical Collection of the Ampère Foundation.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L.Regtien

V03 Sensors and Transducers

Measurement of: temperature; humidity; linear and angular displacement; light and sound; force and acceleration; liquid and gas parameters, flow.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L. Regtien

V04 Signal Visualization

Plotter Minigor type RE501; Multimeter Multiscript 3; Various oscilloscopes; Cathode ray tube in exploded view; Cathode ray tube with magnetic deflection; Scope camera's.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L. Regtien

V13 Robotics and Mechatronics [momenteel leeg]

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: Jan Broenink

V14 Robotics and Mechatronics [momenteel leeg]

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: Jan Broenink

V19 Radiosystems

In preparation

Locatie: Radiosystems Carre2 -> Carre3
Beheerder: André Kokkeler & Tom Hartman

V20 ElectroMagnetic Compatibility

1-4 various power meters

Locatie: Radiosystems Carre2 -> Carre3
Beheerder: Tom Hartman

V39 Mechatronics

Various prototypes by Master students and PhD students of the Robotics and Mechatronics research group (RAM).

Locatie: RAM Carre3
Beheerder: Paul Regtien, Edwin Dertien

V40 Robotics

Sensorized moving robots from MSc and PhD projects. Small robots for education and entertainment; various prototypes of pipe inspection robots (gas pipes, sewer pipes).

Locatie: RAM Carre3
Beheerder: Paul Regtien, Edwin Dertien