Doorzoek alle Vitrines

SP1 Storage Media

Locatie: Spiegel-Collegezalengang

SP2 Home Computing

Locatie: Spiegel-Collegezalengang

SP3 Online computing

Locatie: Spiegel-Collegezalengang

SP4 UT Desktop Computer History

The early history of the UT personal desktop computers can be divided the pre and post IBM PC introduction area. The pre IBM compatible PC area consisted mainly of Apple II devices, both used in the laboratory and on the desktop.
The early history of IBM PC compatible desktops consists of:
1. Sirex desktops (PCs assembled in Enschede, starting in 1984)
2. Olivetti desktops. The initial Olivetti M24 was used as a desktop at office locations.

Locatie: Spiegel-Collegezalengang
Beheerder: Jan Poessé

TC TechMed Vitrine

Locatie: Technohal-vloer1

V01 Current and voltage measurement

Various old current and volt meters; galvanometers; current clamps; shunt resistors.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L. Regtien

V02 Standards & Compensators

Before the advent of digital electronic voltmeters, accurate measurement of a voltage or impedance was achieved by applying the compensation method. The unknown quantity is compared with an adjustable known one of the same kind. The known quantity is changed until the difference is zero, which is detected by a sensitive null-indicator. In equilibrium, the unknown quantity is equal to the known one. In this way, voltages, currents and impedances can be accurately measured. Instruments for voltage and current are called compensators. They comprise an accurate voltage source (reference cell) and a resistance network with adjustable topology, providing a range of attenuation factors. The instrument for measuring a resistance (impedance) is called a bridge. It contains one or more reference resistors (impedances) and a stepwise adjustable resistance, called a resistance decade box. Examples of compensators, bridges, reference voltage sources, reference resistors and decade banks are all displayed in this cabinet. More types are stored in the depository of the Historical Collection of the Ampère Foundation.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L.Regtien

V03 Sensors and Transducers

Measurement of: temperature; humidity; linear and angular displacement; light and sound; force and acceleration; liquid and gas parameters, flow.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L. Regtien

V04 Signal Visualization

Plotter Minigor type RE501; Multimeter Multiscript 3; Various oscilloscopes; Cathode ray tube in exploded view; Cathode ray tube with magnetic deflection; Scope camera's.

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: P.P.L. Regtien

V05 TCO products

Overview of various objects made from glass, produced by CNC or 3D printer

Locatie: TCO Carre1_CR1122
Beheerder: Wilfried Raanhuis

V06 Vacuum technology

Various components user for vacuum technology coarse

Locatie: TCO Carre1_CR1110
Beheerder: Wilfried Raanhuis

V07 BSS- Motion Stimulation & Recording

Locatie: Biomedical Signals & Systems ZuidHorst Complex BSS
Beheerder: Frodo Muijzer

V08 Storage devices

Various storage media and devices used in computer history

Locatie: Zilverling-floor5
Beheerder: E. Molenkamp

V09 Home Computers

keyboards; monitors; hard disks; hard disk drives

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: CSV

V10 Radio Frequency and Radar

Various components for data communication and signal measurement, in the high frequency range.

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: Paul

V11 Signal visualisation

Various cathode ray tubes and plotters

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: Paul

V12 Laptop computer history

Timeline of laptop development

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: CSV

V13 Robotics and Mechatronics [momenteel leeg]

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: Jan Broenink

V14 Robotics and Mechatronics [momenteel leeg]

Locatie: RaM Carre3
Beheerder: Jan Broenink

V15 Temporary empty

Locatie: Carre5

V16 Integrated Devices and Systems (IDS)

The Showcase describes some technological steps during the realization of integrated devices in semiconductors. Starting with theoretical modeling - prepare silicon - align masks for deposition - the deposition procedures and scratching the wafers into dies.

Locatie: IDS Carre2
Beheerder: Henk de Vries

V17 Education

Locatie: Carre5
Beheerder: Paul

V18 Standards and Compensators

Locatie: CSV Carre5
Beheerder: Paul

V19 Radiosystems

In preparation

Locatie: Radiosystems Carre2 -> Carre3
Beheerder: André Kokkeler & Tom Hartman

V20 ElectroMagnetic Compatibility

1-4 various power meters

Locatie: Radiosystems Carre2 -> Carre3
Beheerder: Tom Hartman

V21 IC Design & Devices

Locatie: CSV Carre5
Beheerder: Henk de Vries

V22 Human Media Interaction - Virtual Reality

History of VR-Headsets

Locatie: HMI InteractionLab Citadel_vloer2
Beheerder: Daniel Davison

V23 BSS - The Parkinson Project

The first biomedical Engineering project of the University of Twente, at that time the THT

Locatie: BSS ZuidHorst Complex BSS
Beheerder: Piet Bergveld & Ed Droog

pdf The Parkinson project (1965 1970)

V24 Integrated Circuit Design

This showcase contains a selection of several CMOS-designs developed in the period 1998-nowadays.
These designs cover the following area's:

- Spatial and Frequency Domain Filtering
- N-Path Filters
- Noise Reduction
- A/D-Conversion and Subsampling
- Circuit/System Receiver Solutions
- D/A Conversion
- Amplifiers
- Optical Applications
- Data Transmission
- An impression by Virtual Reality walk through a chip design.

Locatie: ICD Carre2
Beheerder: Henk de Vries

pdf Overview of the specific circuit designs

V25 Algorithmics

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs3
Beheerder: CSV

V26 Arithmetics

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs3
Beheerder: CSV

V27 Processing Hardware

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs2
Beheerder: Tonnie Tibben

V28 Personal Computing

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs2
Beheerder: Tonnie Tibben

V29 Creative Technology

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs1 (begane grond)
Beheerder: Richard Bults / CSV

V30 From Past To Future

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs1 (begane grond)
Beheerder: CSV

V31 Measurement & Instrumentation

Locatie: UParkHotel
Beheerder: Paul Regtien

V32 Telecommunications

Telephony began with Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone in 1876, utilizing wired connections for voice transmission. Throughout the 20th century, various technologies emerged, including manual telephony, automatic switching systems, and wireless radio connections. Mobile telephony took shape in the late 1940s and 1950s with the development of the first mobile communication systems. However, the first commercial mobile phones were launched in the 1980s, which were large and heavy. The real breakthrough came in the 1990s with the advent of digital technologies, leading to the development of GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and the first smartphones in the early 2000s. Since then, mobile telephony has experienced exponential growth, with continuous innovations in connectivity, functionality, and wireless technologies, including the rise of 3G, 4G, and 5G networks.

Locatie: UParkHotel
Beheerder: Marien Florijn

V33 A walk through Computer History

After the first commercial digital computers came into operation in the 1950s, a technologically driven development followed that continues unabated at a rapid pace, still 70 years later. When we look back, we see that computer equipment and its embedding in daily life has gone through a complete renewal almost every decade. With the continuous increase in processing speed and memory storage, the development of programming languages, algorithms, storage and control techniques is taking off at a high flight. And with it the application possibilities.
A chronological walk through computer land can never fully show the variety of developments. The composition of this display case aims to typify different periods and is intended as a "feast of recognition" of earlier times.

Locatie: UParkHotel
Beheerder: Albert Schoute & Jan Poessé

Shifting paradigms

V34 A walk through Computer History

After the first commercial digital computers came into operation in the 1950s, a technologically driven development followed that continues unabated at a rapid pace, still 70 years later. When we look back, we see that computer equipment and its embedding in daily life has gone through a complete renewal almost every decade. With the continuous increase in processing speed and memory storage, the development of programming languages, algorithms, storage and control techniques is taking off at a high flight. And with it the application possibilities.
A chronological walk through computer land can never fully show the variety of developments. The composition of this display case aims to typify different periods and is intended as a "feast of recognition" of earlier times.

Locatie: UParkHotel
Beheerder: Albert Schoute & Jan Poessé

Shifting paradigms

V35 Temporary used for setup of sensing devices

Locatie: Carre5

V36 ISFET Lab-on-a-chip

This showcase reflects the remarkable story of the ISFET sensor: its invention and the advanced applications resulting from it. Piet Bergveld, who studied at the TH Eindhoven and worked as graduation student at the Philips Laboratory, discovered the potential of a MOS-transistor to measure the ion flow in liquid substances. It enabled a broad scala of biomedical applications. Nowadays, integrated circuits with millions of ISFETs are embedded in medical instruments. They function as a kind of biochemical camera. Piet Bergveld - being retired after a career as professor at the UT - has composed this exposition in retrospect. The documents and links provide general information. Specific details are given along with the exposed items.

Locatie: Technohal_Auditorium
Beheerder: Piet Bergveld

pdf Van één ISFET op een chip naar meer dan een miljoen ISFETS op een chip
pdf From 1 ISFET per chip to more than a million per chip
pdf The ISFET invention by Dr. Piet Bergveld
http Piet Bergveld-40 years of ISFET technology

V37 Memory Evolution

Historic collection of data storage devices and media

Locatie: UParkHotel conference room C3
Beheerder: Albert Schoute

V38 Boulitte Electrocardiograph

The Boulitte Electrocardiograph is one of the first commercial, medical instruments to observe the electrical activity of the human heart. The cardiograph produces an ECG on film, an electrocardiogram, often simply called a heart film. The electrocardiograph as shown here, is the last version made by the French company Boulitte around the 30th of the previous century. The electrocardiograph is based on the invention of 1924 Nobel Prize winner prof. W. Einthoven. He constructed in his laboratory at the University of Leiden the first system to record an ECG.

Locatie: TechMed Technohal_Atrium
Beheerder: CSV

pdf IEEE symposium String Galvanometer LUMC

V39 Mechatronics

Various prototypes by Master students and PhD students of the Robotics and Mechatronics research group (RAM).

Locatie: RAM Carre3
Beheerder: Paul Regtien, Edwin Dertien

V40 Robotics

Sensorized moving robots from MSc and PhD projects. Small robots for education and entertainment; various prototypes of pipe inspection robots (gas pipes, sewer pipes).

Locatie: RAM Carre3
Beheerder: Paul Regtien, Edwin Dertien

V41 Computer Networking

This show case presents a historical view of typical communication equipment used in subsequent periods of the computer era: telecom based modem connections, multi-access segmented Ethernet cables (repeater/bridge-based), switched/routed TCP/IP (sub)nets and finally today"s world-wide LAN/WAN internet.

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs4
Beheerder: Tonnie Tibben & Jan Poessé

V42 Network Technology

This view case reflects technological developments of communication between computer systems and end-users. In particular it is related to the heritage of R&D at the THT/UT.

Locatie: Zilverling-Stairs4
Beheerder: Tonnie Tibben & Jan Poessé

V43 Sensing Devices

Locatie: Pervasive Systems Zilverling-Stairs5
Beheerder: Berend-Jan van der Zwaag, Paul Regtien

V44 Distributed Sensing

Locatie: Pervasive Systems Zilverling-Stairs5
Beheerder: Berend-Jan van der Zwaag

V45 PDP-8 Minicomputer

Locatie: UParkHotel
Beheerder: Jan Poesse

W1 Display case: Passive electronic components

1. transformers, various types 2. capacitors - variable air capacitors - trimming capacitors 3. capacitors - tantalum, electrolytic 4. resistors rotable and linear potentiometers - trimming potentiometers 5. resistors: high power types 6. crystals: raw (corundum) mounted as oscillator 7. coils, various types

Locatie: Carre5_Wall
Beheerder: Paul

W2 Display case: Active electronic components

1. Tubes: special types 2. Tubes: general purpose 3. Diodes: Ge, Si; Thyristors 4. Transistors: Ge, Si, bipolar, MOSFET 5. LEDs; IC's: analogue, digital 6. Integrated systems: amplifiers, ADC's, DAC's, peak detectors 7. Triodes; programmable gain amplifiers; selenium rectifiers

Locatie: Carre5_Wall
Beheerder: Paul

W3 Display case: Sensors and meters

1. Ammeters (various ranges) 2. Voltmeters (various ranges) 3. Linear displacement sensors: LVDT; strain gauges 4. Optical sensors: proximity, PSD, LDR 5. Angular encoders, mechanical, optical; acceleration sensors 6. Pressure sensors; acoustic sensors 7. Temperature sensors: Pt100, thermocouples, mercury-in-glass 8. Humidity sensors; Araometers

Locatie: Carre5_Wall
Beheerder: Paul

W4 Wandvitrine: Processoren

Locatie: Carre5_Wall

W5 Wandvitrine: Geheugendragers

Locatie: Carre5_Wall

W6 Display case: Communications Tubes

Locatie: Carre5_Wall