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Aantal items: 28

A Dictionary for opticians and optometrists [W.E. Hardy, J.W. Morris, C.S. Flick] [The Hatton Press Ltd] [1951]

An introduction to Interferometry [S. Tolansky] [Longman ] [1973]

Beknopte Verlichtingsleer [Prof. Dr.C. Zwikker] [Techn. Boekh. J. Waltman Jr.] [1934]

Coherent Light [A.F. Harvey] [Wiley-Interscience] [1970]

Electro-Optics Handbook [F.J. Gardiner] [Radio Corporation of America] [1968]

Experimental optics [Albert F. Wagner] [John Wiley & Sons, Inc.] [1929]

Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Communications [Michael K. Barnoski] [Academic Press, Inc.] [1976]

Fundamentals of optics [Francis A. Jenkins, Harvey E. White] [McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.] [1957]

Geometrical and Physical Optics [R.S. Longhurst] [Longmans, Green and Co LTD] [1967]

Handbook of Stroboscopy [Frederick van Veen] [General Radio Company] [1966]

Het Mikroboek [C. van Duijn Jr.] [Focus Elsevier Amsterdam] [1970]

Mikrofotografie en Mikrokinematografie

Holography and Coherent Optics [L.M. Soroko] [Plenum Press . New York and London] [1980]

Informationstheorie in der Optik [Dr. Rainer Roehler] [Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft MBH.] [1967]

Optik und Feinmechanik in Einzeldarstellungen. Herausgegeben von Dr. Norbert Guenther. Band 6

Inleiding in de optica [Dr. A.C.S. van Heel] [Martinus Nijhoff] [1946]

Met 5 platen en 363 figuren.

Inleiding in de optica [A.C.S, van Heel] [Martinus Nijhoff, ] [1958]

Met 6 platen en 378 figuren.

Kleuren en kleurindrukken [Dr. P.J. Bouma] [Meulenhoff & Co.] [1946]

Philips Technische Bibliotheek

Microscopie en Polarisatie [R.J. Flink] [Agon Elsevier-Asd.] [1975]

Microscopische waarnemingsmethoden [Dr. J. James] [A. Oosthoek's Uitgeversmaatschappij N.V. Utrecht. J. Noordujn en Zoon N.V.] [1969]

Noorduijn's wetenschappelijke reeks. Coordinerend redacteur Prof. dr. D. J. Kuenen

Optics [Eugene Hecht] [Addison-Wesley Publishing Company] [1987]

Optische constanten uit licht-absorptiemetingen aan dunne metaallaagjes [Cornelis Frederik Veenemans] [Buijten & Schipperheijn] [1933]

Optische Nachrichtentechnik [Hans-Georg Unger] [Elitera] [1976]

Optoelectronics - An introduction [J. Wilson, J.F.B. Hawkes] [Prentice Hall] [1989]

OSA Proceedings on Advances in optical imaging and photon migration [R.R. Alfano (Editor)] [Optical Society of America] [1994]

Volume 21. Proceedings of the Topical Meeting, March 21-23, 1994, Orlando, Florida

Polarized light [William A. Shurcliff] [Harvard Universisty Press] [1966]

Principes Eigenschappen Toepassingen van gasontladingslampen [Ir. P.J. Oranje] [Meulenhoff & Co. N.V.] [1942]

Proceedings of the symposium on optical masers [Edited by Jerome Fox] [Polytechnic Press of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn] [1963]

Microwave Research Institute Symposia Series Volume XIII

Understanding Lasers and Masers [Stanley Leinwoll] [London Iliffe Books LTD] [1965]

Waves and Optics Simulations [Antonelli, Christian, Fischer, Giles, James and Stoner] [John Wiley & Sons, Inc.] [1995]

Waves and Optics Simulations. The Consortium for Upper-Level Physics Software. With disk.