Material Physics

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Aantal items: 26

Algemeene Mineralogie en Kristallografie [Dr. B.G. Escher, Hoogleraar te Leiden] [G. Naeff ’s-Gravenhage] [1935]

Coatings on Glass [H.K. Pulker] [Elsevier] [1987]

Thin films science and technology, 6.

Design of resonant piezoelectric devices [Richard Holland, E.P. EerNisse] [The M.I.T. Press] [1969]

Research Monograph No. 56

Electronics of solids [Walter R. Beam] [McGraw-Hill Book Company] [1965]

Grain Boundaries in High-Tc Superconductors [Hans Hilgenkamp and Jochen Mannhart] [2002]

High Frequency Applications of Ferrites [J. Roberts] [The English Universities Press LTD] [1960]

II-VI Compounds Volume 2 [Brian Ray] [Pergamon Press] [1969]

International series of Monographs in The Science of the Solid State

Industrial Electroplating [E.A. Ollard E.B. Smith] [Iliffe & Sons] [1947]

Inleiding in de Reologie. Reometrie, Dispersiereologie, Polymeerreologie [Dr. Ir. C. Blom, Dr. R.J.J. Jongschaap, Dr. J. Mellema] [Universiteit Twente] [1988]

Kennis der metalen (Metallogie). Deel I: Mechanische en Technologische Eigenschappen [Prof. Dr. Ir. W.F. Brandsma] [Martinus Nijhoff] [1957]

Kinetic Theory of Liquids [J. Frenkel] [Dover Publications, Inc.] [1955]

Koper en koperlegeringen [Het Nederlands Koperinstituut] [1971]

Magnetic thin films [Ronald F. Soohoo] [Harper & Row / John Weatherhill, Inc.] [1965]

A Harper International Student Reprint

Materialen 3 Mechanisch gedrag [Wayne Hayden / William G. Moffatt / John Wulff] [Uitgeverij Het Spectrum B.V. Utrecht/Antwerpen] [1969]

Prisma-Technica 27. Oorspronkelijke titel: The structure and properties of materials. III. Mechanical behavior. Uitgegeven door John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1965.

Minerals and the microscope [H.G. Smith] [Thomas Murby & Co., London. D. van Nostrand Co., New York,] [1922]

With Newton's scale in colours and 12 plates. First Printed, May, 1914. Second Edistion. November, 1919. Reprinted with slight corrections, December, 1922.

Piezoelectric Crystals and Their Application to Ultrasonics [Warren P.Mason, Ph.D.] [D. van Nostrand Company, Inc.] [1950]

Piezoelectric resonators and their applications [Jiri Zelenka] [Elsevier] [1986]

Studies in electrical and electronic engineering 24. College of Mechanical and Textile Engineering, Liberec. Czecoslovakia.

Piezoelectricity, Theory and Applications of Electromechanical Phenomena in Crystals [Walter Guyton Cady, Ph.D., Sc.D.] [McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.] [1946]

Radiative Transfer from Solid Materials [Henry Blau, Heinz Fischer] [The Macmillan Company] [1962]

Sponsored by the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories and Arthur D. Little, Inc.

Superconductivity [M. Tinkham] [Gorden and Breach Science Publishers] [1965]

Documents on modern physics

Technology of light metals [Alfred Von Zeerleder] [Elsevier Publishing Company] [1949]

Temperature dependence of the optical properties of Au and Ag [P. Winsemius] [Drukkerij J.H. Pasmans, 's-Gravenhage] [1973]

The physics of engineering solids [T.S. Hutchison and D.C. Baird] [John Wiley and Sons, Inc.] [1966]

The solid state [H.M. Rosenberg] [E.J. Burge, etc. (Editors)] [1975]

Oxford Physics Series

Theory of elasticity. Volume 7 of Course of Theoretical Physics [L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz] [Pergamon Press] [1970]

Translated from the Russian by J.B. Sykes and W.H. Reid.

Wetting Phenomena. Proceedings of a Wordshop on Wetting Phenomena. [J. De Coninck / F.Dunlop (EDs.)] [Springer-Verlag] [1990]

Lecture Notes in Physics 354. Proceedings of a Workshop on Wetting Phenomena, Held at the University of Mons, Belgium. October 17-19, 1988.