Elektronische systemen

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Aantal items: 26

Applied Electronics [Department of Electrical Engineering] [John Wiley & Sons] [1943]

A Publication of the Technology Press Massachusetts Institute of Technology

BASFUN [A.J. Annema, A.P. van der Wel] [University of Twente] [0]

Designing with operational amplifiers [Jerald G. Graeme] [McGraw-Hill Book Company] [1977]

Applications Altenatives

Digital integrated electronics [Herbert Taub / Donald Schilling] [Mc.Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc.] [1977]

International student edition

Electronic Engineering [Ch. L. Alley/K.W. Atwood] [John Wiley & Sons] [1973]

Electronic Engineering [Charles L. Alley & Kenneth W. Atwood] [John Wiley & Sons Inc.,] [1962]

Electronic Fundamentals and Applications [John D. Ryder] [Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.] [1964]

Electronic instrumentation fundamentals [Albert Paul Malvino] [Mc.Graw-Hill Book Company] [1967]

Electronica [Dr. H. De Waard] [Uitgeversmaatschappij W. de Haan N.V. Zeist] [1962]

De Haan's Academische Bibliotheek. Met 150 afbeeldingen.

Electronics [J.M. Calvert & M.A.H. Mc.Causland] [John Wiley & Sons] [1978]

Electronics - a Systems Approach [N. Storey] [Pearson Prentice Hall] [2009]

Engineering Electronics. A Practical Approach. [Robert Mauro] [Prentice-Hall International, Inc.] [1989]

Prentice-Hall International Editions.

Grondslagen van de elektronica 1 [Prof. dr. ir. J. Davidse] [Uitgeverij Het Spectrum N.V.] [1969]

Prisma-Technica 35

Grondslagen van de elektronica 2 [Prof. dr. ir. J. Davidse] [Uitgeverij Het Spectrum N.V.] [1970]

Prisma-Technica 36

Grondslagen van de elektronica 3 [Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Davidse] [Uitgeverij Het Spectrum N.V.] [1970]

Grondslagen van de elektronica 4 [Prof. dr. ir. J. Davidse] [Uitgeverij Het Spectrum N.V.] [1970]

Prisma-Technica 38

Handboek Micro-electronica [D.F. Stout-M. Kaufman] [Maarten Kluwer's Internationale Uitgeversond.] [1984]

Digitale Microcir- cuits/Analoge Microcircuits/ Analoge/Digitale Microcircuits

Instrumentele elekronica [Dr. ir. P.P.L. Regtien] [Delftse Uitgevers Maatschappij b.v.] [1990]

Introduction to Electronics Design [F.H. Mitchell jr; F.H. Mitchell sr.] [Prentice/Hall International] [1988]

Introduction to VLSI Systems [Carver Mead and Lynn Conway] [Addison-Wesly Publishing Comp.] [1980]

Junction Transistor Electronics [Richard B. Hurley] [John Wiley & Sons, Inc.] [1958]

Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits [R.F. Coughlin, F.F. Driscoll] [Prentice-Hall International, Inc.] [1991]

Principles of Electronic Instrumentation [A.J. Diefenderfer, B.E. Holton] [Saunders College Publishing] [1994]

Semiconductor-Diode Parametric Amplifiers [Lawrence A. Blackwell / Kenneth L. Kotzebue] [Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.] [1961]

The art of electronics [Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill] [Cambridge Universiry Press] [1980 (reprinted ]

Theorie Digitale Techniek. Van inverter tot processor. Functioneel ontwerpen. [R. Heijstek / Met medewerking van P.G. Cats.] [Uitgeverij Waltman] [0]