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Aantal items: 41

A Guide Book to Mathematics / Fundamental Formulas . Tables . Graphs . Methods [I.N. Bronshstein / K.A. Semendyayev] [Verlag Harri Deutsch. Zuerich. Frankfurt/Main - Springer-Verlag New York Inc.] [1973]

Advanced engineering mathematics [C. Ray Wylie] [McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, LTD] [1975]

International student edition

Advanced mathematical and computational tools in metrology and testing IX [F. Pavese, etc. (Editors)] [World Scientific] [2012]

Series on Advances in Mathematica for Applied Sciences - Vol. 84

Algoritmen rekursive Funktionen und formale Sprachen [Wilfried Brauer, Klaus Indermark] [Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim/Wien/Zuerich Hochschultaschenbuecher-Verlag] [1968]

B.I-Hochschulskripten 817*

An introduction to optimal estimation [Paul B. Liebelt, The Boeing Company] [Addison-Wesley Publishing Company] [1967]

An Introduction to the Laplace Transformation. With Engineering Applications. [J.C. Jaeger M.A., D.SC., F.Inst. P.] [Methuen & Co. LTD. (London). John Wiley & Sons INC. (New York)] [1959]


ATLAS Behorende bij het beknopt leerboek der beschrijvende meetkunde [H.J. van Veen / Hoogleraar aan de Technische Hoogeschool te Delft] [P. Noordhoff N.v. - 1941 - Groningen, Batavia] [1941]

Barlow's Tables [L.J. Combrie (Editor)] [E. & F.N. SPON Ltd,] [1954]

Tables of squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots and reciprocals of all integers up to 12,500

C.R.C. Standard mathematical tables [Charles D. Hodgman, M.S.] [Chemical Rubber Publishing Company] [1959]

Chambers's shorter six-figure Mathematical tables [L.J. Comrie, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.] [W. & R. Chamber LTD] [1955]

Scientific Computing Service Limited

Code. De wedloop tussen makers en brekers van geheime codes en cijferschrift. [Simon Singhe] [Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers . Amsterdam . Antwerpen] [1999]

Cryptography [Laurence Dwight Smith] [George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London] [1944]

The Science of Secret Writing. With problems and answers.

Digital and Kalman Filtering [S.M. Bozic] [Edward Arnold] [1979]

An introduction to discrete-time filtering and optimuum linear estimation

Digital Filters [R.W. Hamming] [Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey] [1977]

Einfuherung in die mathematische Behandlung der Naturwissenschaften [W. Nernst / A. Schoenflies] [M] [1919]

Kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der Differential- und Integralrechnung mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Chemie

Elementary Cryptanalysis [Helen Fouché Gaines] [American Photographic Publishing Company] [1944]

A Study of Ciphers and Their Solution

Financiële rekenkunde en beslissingscalculaties [P. de Boer en J.C. Meester] [Wolters-Noordhoff Groningen] [1991]

Financiële rekenkunde en beslissingscalculaties [P. de Boer en J.C. Meester] [Wolters-Noordhoff Groningen] [1992]


Graph Reduction [Joseph H. Fasel, Robert M. Keller (Eds.)] [Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo] [1986]

Proceedings of a Workshop Santa Fé, New Mexico, USA September 29-October 1, 1986

Im Banne der Enigma [Wladyslaw Kozaczuk] [Otto Mallek] [1979]

Ereignisse Tatsachen Zusammenhänge.

Inleiding tot de differentiaal- en integraalrekening. Met toepassingen op verschillende gebieden [Dr. H.J.E. Beth] [P. Noordhoff N.V.] [1942]

Met antwoorden

Integral Transforms in Mathematical Physics [C.J. Tranter] [John Wiley & Sons. Inc] [1959]

Introduction to Digital Filtering [R.E. Bogner, A.G. Constantinides] [John Wiley & Sons] [1975]

Laplace transforms for electronic engineers [James G. Holbrook] [Pergamon Press London . New York . Paris . Los Angeles] [1959]

Mathematical biophysics. Physico-mathematical foundations of biology. Volume one. [N. Rashevsky] [Dover Publications, Inc., New York] [1960]

Mathematical handbook for scientists and engineers. [Granino A. Korn, Ph.D./Theresa M. Korn, M.S.] [McGraw-Hill Book Company] [1968]

Definitions, theorems, and formulas for reference and review.

Mathematical Theory of Connecting Networks and Telephone Traffic [V.E. Benes] [Academic Press] [1965]

Mathematische Formelsammlung [Dr. Karl Rottmann] [Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim] [1960]

B.I-Hochschultaschenbuecher Band 13

Mathematische Methoden in der Hochfrequenztechniek [Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Poeschl] [Springer-Verlag] [1956]

Modern applied algebra [Garrett Birkhoff, Thomas C. Bartee] [Mc.Graw-Hill Book Company] [1970]

Noordhoff's schooltafel [Wolters-Noordhoff NV Groningen] [1970]

Operatorenrechnung mit Anwendungen auf technische Probleme [Dr. Ir. J.P. Schouten] [Springer-Verlag Berlin / Goettingen / Heidelberg ] [1961]

Mit 128 Abbildungen

Special functions of mathematical physics and chemistry [Ian N. Sneddon] [Oliver and Boyd] [1961]

Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data [Crowder,Kimber, Smith,Sweeting] [Chapman & Hall] [1991]

Tables of functions with formulae and curves [Dr. Eugene Jahnke / Fritz Emde] [Dover Publications New York] [1945]

Funktionentafeln mit Formeln und Kurven.

The boudary element methods in engineering [P.K. Banerjee] [McGraw-Hill Book Company] [1994]

The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis [E.A. Guillemin] [John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York . London . Chapman & Hall, LTD] [1959]

Principles of electrical engineering series. The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis. Extensions to the mathematical training of electrical engineers. A publication of the Technology Press Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The mathematics of physics and chemistry [Henry Margenau and George Moseley Murphy] [D. Van Nostrand Compancy, Inc.] [1955]

Vector mehods [D.E. Rutherford] [Oliver and Boyd] [1957]

With 16 Figures

Wiskundewoordenboek/Mathematical Dictionary. Engish-Afrikaans/Afrikaans-Engels [Tafelberg] [1971]

In opdrag van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenschap en Kuns bewerk deur die Vaktaalburo en 'n Komitee vir Wiskundeterme. Edited by the Vaktaalburo and a Committee for Mathematical Terms at the direction of the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenschap en Kuns.

Wiskundige opgaven voor het propaedeutisch examen aan de Technische Hoogeschool [Dr. Ir. E. H. M. Beekman] [Uitgeverij Waltman - Delft] [1945]